Recent Programs

     Ambassador William B. Taylor

Below is a list of some recent topics and speakers who have visited the Wichita Committee on Foreign Relations in 2023-24:  

May:  Observations from the was in Ukraine – Dr. James K. Greer, U.S. Army School of Advanced Military Studies

March:  U.S.-China Trade and Investment Relations – Albert Keidel, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University

February:  Five Things to Watch in Central Asia – Edward Lemon, Kennan Institute Wilson Center

January:  The Outlook for U.S.-China Relations in 2024:  A Fragile Thaw? – Ali Wyne, The Crisis Group

November:  Russia’s War Against Ukraine:  An Update –  Ambassador William B. Taylor

October:  Turkey:  Where is it Now; Where is it Headed: – Ambassador Jess Baily

Highlights from 2022 -2023:

May:  The Persian Empire Redux:  Iran and the Modern Middle East – Vangala Ram, retired U.S Foreign Service

April:  Kim Jong Un’s Strategy for Survival – Dr. David Shin, Associate Provost of the National Intelligence University

March:  Climate Change, The Covid-19 Pandemic, and American Foreign Policy – Dr. Scott Colby, China specialist and longtime WCFR member

February:  Climate Change:  Connecting the Artic to the Rest of the Planet – Robert Orttung, associate research professor of International Affairs, George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs 

December:  Understanding Vladimir Putin:  Ambition and Frustration – Robert H. Donaldson, Trustees Professor of Political Science, University of Tulsa and ACFR Director

October:  India and the Geopolitics of Putin’s War in Ukraine – 

Michael Kugelman, Woodrow Wilson Center for International Relations

Highlights from past presentations:

Domestic Consequences of Foreign Wars:  The Issue of Refugees from Ukraine and Afghanistan – Annie Pforzheimer, Center for Strategic and International Studies

The Realities of Dealing with Russia – Dan Lofton, retired CIA officer who focused primarily on countering the Soviet Union/Russia and former Warsaw Pact countries

The Czech Republic, the European Union and the Rise of Populism – Dr. Martin Nikola, independent scholar and Research Director at Democracy 2.1

Artificial Intelligence in the Global Balance:  Technology, Democracy, and Authoritarianism – Lindsay Gorman, Alliance for Securing Democracy

Brexit:  How Did It Come to This and Where Do We Go from Here? – James Hollifield, Wilson Center Global Fellow

Climate Change, the Energy Transformation, and their Impact on U.S. Leadership and National Security – Joe Bryan & John Morton, Atlantic Council Global Energy Center

Challenges of Making U.S. Foreign Policy Today – Ambassador Dennis Jet

The Implications of Peace Talks on the Women of Afghanistan – Palwasha L. Kakar, U.S. Institute of Peace

Restoring Public Confidence in U.S. Global Engagement:  Is It Possible – Nikolas K. Gvosdev, U.S. Naval War College

The Lessons of Iraq and the Future of U.S Foreign Policy – Michael Mazarr, RAND Corporation

The Migration Disconnect:  Why Central Americans Will Keep Heading to the U.S. – Stephanie Leutert, Robert S. Strauss Center for International Law and Security

The Atlantic Alliance and the Role of NATO – Michael John Williams, New York Univ.

Brexit and the Changing Environment In Europe – Jan Surotchak, International Republican Institute

Three Views of U.S. Trade Policy – Andrea Durkin, Center for Strategic and International Studies

Russia Friend or Foe – Stacy Closson, Kennan Institute

U.S.-Cuban Relations – Ambassador Vicki Huddleston